Have you ever had one of those conversations where you’ve thought to yourself “why is it they just can’t see my point of view?” They’re usually conversations that just feel like we miss each other. We don’t see eye to eye, or we feel that they just don’t get us or what we’re saying!!
The DISC Behavioural Styles idea is a great way of unpacking what happens when conversations go pear shaped, so that you can find more effective ways to kick start communication in ways that resonate with the other person. As a starting point it’s about understanding a little more about your own style, so that you can work out which of the four core styles resonate with you the most. For most of us, although we’ll probably be a mixture of all 4, there is usually one that is our ‘go-to style.’ A bit like you’re favourite, comfy shoes…it’s the style that you naturally gravitate to without thinking about it!
Here’s an overview of the 4 core styles that we talk about in the DISC Behavioural Profiles, along with a few characteristics of each. It’s not the whole picture, obviously, but it gives you a sense of each.
You might like to think about which of the 4 seems to resonate with you the most? Which feels like the one that you more naturally gravitate towards? Here’s some of the key descriptors for each, which might help;
Now the really interesting part of this is what we’re like on a bad day, and how some of the very things that are our strengths become our potential limitations.
So here’s the briefest of summaries of each style ‘on a bad day’; maybe when we’re feeling under pressure, stressed and generally not at our best.
How do these land with you? Some of these are tough to read, aren’t they? It’s like looking at parts of our self that maybe we don’t like or that we’d rather not accept…but if we recognise ourselves in one of the core styles, then it’s about accepting both the ups and downs of our style and approach!
Clearly there are tonnes of applications for this type of idea;
- First and foremost it’s a great way of opening up communication and building trust. It could be the basis of a great team session, to have all team members discuss their style and how this plays out in the team. From that maybe you can find better ways to collaborate, master conflict or share information and ideas across the team.
- On a one one, recognising where you and another sit can really help in spotting potential pinch points and can give each person essential clues for enhancing communication with each other.
- In teams where’s there’s already an understanding of DISC profiles; the language can provide a non-confrontational way of challenging unhelpful actions or comments.
Of course, as with all psychometrics, it’s not the full picture. We’re much more complex than merely saying we’re one style or another. That said, I’ve worked with hundreds of teams and individuals where understanding more about ourselves and others, really has helped to open up discussions about similarities and differences in approaches and how that impacts what happens both in the workplace and at home.
If you’re interested in finding out more about your own DISC Behavioural Style and how you can build greater influence with others, please get in touch. It’s a really simple process and we can discuss your feedback face to face or online, at a time to suit you!
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