One of the programs that I have run time and time again is about gaining a better understanding of behavioural styles and the impact that they can have on effective conversations.
I use the “DISC Behavioural Profiles”as a basis through which to discuss personal styles – and I usually find that people are easily able to recognise their own styles and the preferences of others that they work with.
This is not about pigeon holing people, or labelling. It’s about trying to understand more about ourselves and others, so that we can do what we can to have productive conversations and open the door to effective communication.
At first glance, I know this all seems rather simplistic. But I have seen how powerful it is for people to get a more objective handle on the positive and potential down side of their style. And I’ve also seen loads of instances of people using the ideas here to decide how they can better pitch their idea or challenge another, in a way that will resonate for the recipient.
We will all have elements of each of the core styles, and as human beings we’re adept at flexing and adapting to what is going on around us. However, for most of us there will be one or two of these styles that will be our ‘go to’ approaches. A bit like putting on a comfy pair of shoes – we will naturally gravitate to our natural preference.
So which styles resonate for you? What would be your own natural style?
As a natural high “I”, I could talk for England about all of this – but suffice to say, if you can recognise where you are, it can give you some great insight into those instances where conversations don’t go as you had planned!!
So here’s my suggestions for using DISC to generate more productive conversations;
– Identify your own style, and think about your strengths and potential limitations; particularly you on a bad day!
– See if you can identify the preferred style of the other person. You need to notice clusters of behaviours – and it’s not an exact science, but you can definitely spot other peoples style if you’re prepared to notice
– Consider how you need to change what you do to deliver your message in a way that resonates for them. Think about wrapping your message in the type of paper that the other style would appreciate. You might have to do more of something that doesn’t come naturally or do less of something that would be irritating for a different style!
There isn’t the time in this post to describe in detail, each of the four core styles and their preferences. If you’d to find out more about your own ‘profile’ drop me a line, and I’ll send you my ‘Styles Summary.’